Monday, November 1, 2010

Unforced rhythms of grace

I cannot believe we have been home from Guatemala for more than a week. What a week we had...Roark, Zoe and I were all sick with the stomach flu, Josh had eye surgery and the days felt like they flew by. Part of my heart is still in Guatemala and I know a huge part of Roark's heart is still there too. Sometimes I catch him with a faraway look in his eyes. I know he is thinking about these friends. Roark has had so much to think about since we have been home....he grew up so much while we were there and I so will always treasure the time we had together. I am so proud of my sweet son.

I find myself walking around my house thinking about Pablo's mama, Javier's mama and Bernobe's mama....they don't have their clothes neatly hanging in a closet. They don't have a store with clean floors and neatly stacked produce, they don't have a car, they don't have a vacuum cleaner! Settling back into life here has been difficult for me....more difficult than any other mission trip. I wasn't prepared to have my heart so runied....runied for the ordinary. When my heart begins to feel heavy I remember what I do share with the precious families we met....Jesus. We have hope in knowing He loves us, He holds all of our hearts and we share in the same joy He so freely gives to us.

I am in love with the people in Guatemala and cannot wait to go back. On the plane ride home I was talking with Roark about how amazing it was to help the people there, feed them, play with them and pray with so many too. His answer to me was,
"Mom, we didn't do much for them. They are all so happy. They taught me more than I taught them. I learned how selfish I am and how I need to have a better attitude. When can we go back?" I had to choke back the tears and I told him over and over how proud I was of him.

We did learn so much there and the opportunities we had to just live life with people there was amazing! As I continue to process our trip...there will be more to write. I have a few more stories...a tender bond with another mama, meeting our Compassion kid and the incident at the park! The verse that has been ringing in my heart this week is Matthew 11:28-30

"Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me- watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly."

We lived this portion of scripture in Guatemala and I am longing to live it here too....walking in unforced rhythms of grace is a beautiful path to walk. My heart will never forget what we saw in Guatemala and I know Roark has been forever changed too. Thank you so much for praying for us!